Our fertilizers

Farming is a specific field of production. Despite hard work and planning, there’s always a risk of loss due to external factors, for example, unfavorable weather conditions. In order to increase the likelihood of a successful harvest, it is necessary to provide crops with necessary nutrients. We’ve been supplying the farming industry with means of agricultural production for many years. We import urea, multi-component fertilizers, ammonium phosphate, potassium salt. Our specialties are multi-component fertilizers, which we offer under registered and trademarked name – PLANTAVITA NPK.

Plantavita NPK (S) 7-20-30 (2,5)

Plantavita NPK (S ) 7-20-30 + 2,5 is a pre-sowing fertilizer. It has to be mixed into the soil to a depth of 10 – 20 cm. If the fertilizer is used for root crops, it can be plowed along with the manure. The pre-sowing fertilizer provides plants with phosphorus and potassium, but the dose of nitrogen is only sufficient for the initial growth phase. The rest of nitrogen has to be applied with top dressing. In case of planting legumes and malting barley, additional application of nitrogen with top dressing is not needed.


BIG BAG a’500 kg, valve bag a’25 kg

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Plantavita NPK (S) 6-18-34 (2,0)

It’s recommended to use Plantavita NPK (S) 6-18-34 (2,0 for all crop plants: winter and spring crops, industrial and root crops, in grasslands and in the cultivation of vegetables and horticulture. It should be applied on poor quality soils and soils poor in potassium (mostly light and medium soils), in case of low organic fertilization and for potasophilic plants such as: sugar beet, potato, corn and rape.

The fertilizer is the most effective when used as a pre-sowing treatment, mixed into the soil to 10-20 cm depth. It can also be used in early spring for top dressing on winter crops. Perennial crops should be fertilized in spring.

Plantavita 6-18-34 can be mixed with urea directly before spreading, ammonium nitrate and with calcium ammonium nitrate, and also with potassium salt anytime.


BIG BAG a’500 kg, valve bag a’25 kg

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Potassium salt 60% K₂O

Potassium salt 60% K₂O, also known as potassium chloride, can be used for basic application prior to sowing and for top dressing. Potassium salt can be also used for top dressing for winter crops, winter oilseed rape and on permanent plantations.

This fertilizer is the most effective when performing pre-sowing fertilization. After sowing it has to be mixed into the soil to the depth of 10-20cm. Potassium salt can be applied as top dressing on winter crops’ plantations before the spring growing season. Early spring is the best time to apply the fertilizer on permanent grasslands. If it’s necessary to mix a big amount of the fertilizer into the soil, part of the dose should be applied after the first swath harvesting or after grazing animals.


BIG BAG a’500 kg, valve bag a’25 kg

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Urea fertilizer

Urea fertilizer is characterised by a high content of nitrogen – 46% (in amide form). It can be applied for all crops and all types of soil. However, it is less efficient when applied on highly acidic soils, highly alkaline soils, recently limed soils or wet and frozen soils. It can be applied as pre-sowing, top dressing*, ang also as a foliar solution in the optimum concentration (adjusted to current plants’ needs). Applying a foliar solution is most efficient in moderate sunlight, lower temperatures and appropriate moisture of the soil.


Urea musn’t be mixed with other nitrogen fertilizers (apart from ammonium sulphate). The fertilizer can be blended with ammonium phosphate, potassium salt and multi-component fertilizers NPK.

*top dressing – fertilizing plants during growth period


BIG BAG a’500 kg, valve bag a’25 kg

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